Home DIY Decor: 7 Ideas That Save You Money

Transforming your home into a stylish haven doesn’t need to strain your wallet. 

In this article, we’ll unveil seven wallet-friendly DIY decor ideas that enhance your space and keep your budget intact. 


From creative upcycling to savvy paint projects, these tips empower you to save money while elevating your home’s aesthetic.

Paint Your Way to a New Look

DIY painting is cost-effective due to its low material and tool expenses, eliminating labor costs. Plus, you can choose affordable paint options and customize colors, saving money while refreshing your home’s appearance.

Tips on Choosing the Right Paint Colors and Finishes

Selecting the perfect paint colors and finishes is essential to achieving the desired look in your DIY decor project. Here are five tips to guide you in making the right choices:

  1. Consider Lighting: Evaluate how natural and artificial light affects your space to choose colors that work well in different lighting conditions.
  2. Sample Paint Swatches: Test paint swatches on your walls to see how they look throughout the day before committing to a color.
  3. Harmonize with Decor: Ensure your chosen colors complement your existing furniture and decor to create a cohesive atmosphere.
  4. Use Sheen Wisely: Pick the right finish (e.g., matte, satin, semi-gloss) based on the room’s purpose and the durability and shine you desire.
  5. Think Long-Term: Opt for timeless or versatile colors to avoid frequent repaints, saving both time and money in the future.

Home DIY Decor: 7 Ideas That Save You Money

Supplies Needed for a Successful Paint Job

Here’s a list of essential supplies you’ll need:

  • Paint
  • Primer
  • Paintbrushes and rollers
  • Painter’s tape
  • Drop cloths or plastic sheeting
  • Paint tray and liners
  • Paint can opener and stir stick
  • Sandpaper or sanding block
  • Paint bucket and screen
  • Ladder or step stool
  • Rags and cleaning supplies
  • Respirator or mask
  • Gloves and protective clothing
  • Extension pole
  • Bucket hook or pail hanger
  • Utility knife
  • Caulk and caulking gun
  • Spackling compound and putty knife
  • Bucket of water and soap
  • Safety glasses

Upcycling and Repurposing

Repurposing and upcycling furniture and decor are environmentally friendly practices that save money, promote creativity, and reduce waste by giving old items a new purpose and personalized touch.


Examples of Common Items That Can Be Repurposed

When it comes to repurposing and upcycling, creativity knows no bounds. Here’s a list of everyday items that can be easily transformed into something new, giving them a second life while reducing waste:

  • Wooden Pallets: Transform pallets into rustic furniture, shelving, or garden decor.
  • Old Doors and Windows: Create unique room dividers, headboards, or decorative wall hangings.
  • Wine Crates: Turn them into stylish storage or display units for wine bottles or books.
  • Tin Cans: Repurpose as pencil holders, plant pots, or lanterns with a coat of paint.
  • Mason Jars: Use them for canning, as vases, or as charming candleholders.
  • Vintage Suitcases: Stack them to craft a unique side table or turn them into stylish storage.
  • Shipping Pallets: Build outdoor furniture like garden benches or coffee tables.
  • Broken or Unused Furniture: Refurbish or dismantle for DIY projects like shelves or frames.
  • Antique Drawers: Convert them into under-bed storage or wall-mounted display cases.
  • Tires: Create garden planters, swings, or exercise equipment for outdoor fun.

Creative Wall Art on a Budget

Elevate your decor with affordable and creative DIY wall art ideas that use diverse materials, allowing you to personalize your space while keeping costs in check. Here are some imaginative suggestions to enhance your walls:

  • Canvas and Paint: Create your abstract masterpiece with acrylic paints on canvas.
  • Framed Fabric: Frame colorful fabric swatches for a vibrant, budget-friendly wall display.
  • Wooden Pallet Art: Craft wall art using reclaimed wooden pallets for a rustic touch.
  • Paper Collages: Assemble magazine cutouts or scrapbook paper into striking collages.
  • Pressed Botanicals: Frame dried flowers and leaves for a delicate, nature-inspired look.
  • String Art: Design intricate patterns using nails and colored strings on a wooden board.
  • Vinyl Record Art: Turn old vinyl records into eye-catching wall decor with spray paint.

Thrifty Thrift Store Finds

Thrifting is a treasure hunt filled with potential gems for your home but requires a discerning eye. Here’s guidance on what to seek and what to steer clear of when navigating thrift stores:

What to Look For:

  1. Quality Furniture: Seek sturdy, well-crafted pieces of solid wood or metal.
  2. Vintage and Antique Items: Look for unique, timeless pieces that add character.
  3. Name-Brand Items: Scout for reputable brands known for durability and style.
  4. Functional Pieces: Prioritize items that serve a purpose and can be easily refurbished.
  5. Unusual Finds: Look for one-of-a-kind items that can become focal points.

What to Avoid:

  1. Damaged or Worn-Out Items: Clear items with significant damage or wear.
  2. Strong Odors: Beware items with persistent odors that may be challenging to remove.
  3. Mismatched Sets: Avoid incomplete sets of dishes, glasses, or furniture.
  4. Outdated Electronics: Skip obsolete technology that may need to be more helpful or repairable.
  5. Questionable Upholstery: Be cautious of heavily stained or torn upholstery that may require costly repairs.

By following these guidelines, you can navigate thrift stores effectively and uncover hidden gems for your home decor while avoiding potential pitfalls.

DIY Decorative Storage Solutions

Need clever storage solutions tailored to your space? These DIY storage ideas are customizable and budget-friendly, making your organization’s dreams a reality:

  • Modular Cube Shelves: Create a versatile storage system with cube shelves that can be arranged to fit your space and needs.
  • Pegboard Wall: Install a pegboard and choose hooks and baskets that suit your specific storage requirements.
  • Floating Wall Shelves: Customize the length, color, and placement of floating shelves to match your decor and display items.
  • Under-Bed Drawers: Build or repurpose drawers to fit beneath your bed for hidden and convenient storage.
  • Magnetic Spice Rack: Attach magnetic spice containers to your fridge or a metal surface for kitchen organization.
  • Custom Closet Shelving: Design and install adjustable shelving in your closet to maximize storage for clothing and accessories.
  • Storage Ottomans: Craft or repurpose ottomans with hidden storage to keep clutter out of sight.

Greenery and Indoor Plants

Adding plants to your home decor enhances air quality by increasing oxygen levels, reducing stress, and adding a natural and vibrant aesthetic to your living space, promoting overall well-being and creating a harmonious environment.

Home DIY Decor: 7 Ideas That Save You Money

Low-cost Options for Acquiring Indoor Plants

Enhancing your indoor space with greenery doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are five budget-friendly ways to bring the beauty of indoor plants into your home:

  • Plant Swaps: Attend local plant swap events or join online communities to exchange cuttings or small plants with fellow enthusiasts.
  • Nurseries and Garden Centers: Look for discounted or smaller potted plants at local nurseries, especially during sales or clearance events.
  • Big Box Stores: Check large retail stores or supermarkets for affordable potted plants, often available in various sizes.
  • Propagation: Grow new plants from cuttings or propagate existing ones, a cost-effective way to expand your indoor garden.
  • Online Marketplaces: Explore online platforms where individuals sell plants, often at competitive prices, and compare options for budget-friendly choices.

Lighting Makeover

Brighten your home affordably with these creative DIY lighting ideas. From repurposing to crafting, they add a personalized touch to your decor while staying within budget.

  1. Mason Jar Pendants: Hang bulbs in mason jars for charming pendant lights.
  2. Paper Lanterns: Create budget-friendly lanterns with decorative paper and LED tea lights.
  3. Wine Bottle Chandeliers: Thread string lights through repurposed wine bottles for unique chandeliers.
  4. Rope Pendant Lights: Craft unique pendant lights by wrapping and hardening rope around structures.
  5. Twine Floor Lamp: Update an old floor lamp with rustic twine wrapping for a budget-friendly touch.

The Bottomline

Implementing these seven budget-friendly DIY decor ideas will elevate your home’s aesthetics while saving money and showcasing creativity. 

You can achieve a stylish and personalized living space without overspending through repurposing, upcycling, and crafting.

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